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US and Canadian Poetry Open Mikes

User profile: Will Kruger


Will Kruger. Guitarist, singer/songwriter and entertainer. Singing to sold out crowds, Will's been pick'n and singing since the age of 14. He has always been attracted to the simplicity, message and melodies of folk music accompanied by the acoustic guitar. He brings a unique sense of clarity and a strong emphasis to the lyrical content of the selection of songs. His musical roots go back to the folk era where influence from the likes of Peter Paul & Mary, Simon & Garfunkel, John Denver and James Taylor have shaped his musical style. Will has spent the past 30 years as a professional entertainer playing clubs, festivals, and auditoriums throughout the Midwest.

More recently, Will has been recognized as a significant songwriter and has had four of his songs featured in the Lazarus Filmworks production of "God Where Are You". He is also a featured performer in Nashville a number of times a year regularly playing at Mike Wolfe’s American Pickers store “Antique Archaeology”. Will was also invited to Aspen Co last Oct. to play at the historic Wheeler Opera House for a John Denver Tribute Show during John Denver Week. Will’s passion for the music of the folk era has lead him to lend his abilities to join the Las Vegas based tribute group “Peter Paul and Mary Alive”, honoring the legendary folk group!

His hope is that through the music he plays you are entertained and your spirit touched.