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User profile: Stacy Hardwick


STACY, is also known as STAX like the "great" record label back in the days, in Memphis, Tn. Young Hard has been studying the game since a young adult in 1994. His lyrical savy and personality is depicted on tracks all over the internet. Google him!

His musical desires started as a young lad during the 80s. Its sort of hard to put a proper spin on inspiration. Ambitous about wordplay and the significance to develop your "craft" is the most important thing to Hard as an artist.

Born in Arkansas, Stax feels "it will be him that PUTs ARKANSAS among the states in the HIP HOP ranks. He considers himself the self proclaimed C.e.o of the State, Ambassador of Arkansas, or even Jigga of the South. Well educated with much more knowledge to acquire. Hard feels his musical bio is the hardest assignment he's ever attempted. Explaining my self as an artist has to be the most complicated thing for me as a writer.

Allowing people to know me as a writer, rapper(artist), are just some of the forms of the Art he is tackling these days on His road to "platinum". Interested in becoming a producer in the future, he feels that becoming a full blown producer is the best way to give back the skills he's acquired on his journey as an emcee. At the moment, he takes to the likings of T.i., Jay-z, and Rick ross for different reasons.

Musically his journey is about taking it to the "HEIGHTS", OR LEVELS one doesnt know even exist. IF ITS A BEAT IN THE AREA, HARD IS HUNGRY ENOUGHT TO FEAST ON It.